Today, to celebrate Team Beauty’s 15 years in business, we are joined by Emanuele Bonanomi, founder and CEO of Team Beauty, to take an overview of how this incredible story began and what has made the company a benchmark in the industry.

Let’s start with the first question.

How did the story of Team Beauty begin?

The story of Team Beauty began 15 years ago, when I was working as a subcontractor for cosmetic companies: during a period of declining work, my Father Biagio and I decided to embark on this new entrepreneurial adventure, Team Beauty, which, little by little, has grown so much that today we count almost twenty employees.

It is my father who transferred to me the value of tradition and of doing things properly, with precision and dedication. 

We started with just a few employees in a small office, but my vision was clear: to offer our customers innovative, high-quality packaging solutions.

We want to maintain a size that allows us to remain concrete and real, humble and dynamic, flexible and direct, close to customers’ needs and with a strong problem-solving attitude.

Fifteen years is a great milestone. What are the key elements and strengths that have enabled you to get this far?

Definitely one of our strengths has been our constant focus on innovation. We have invested heavily in researching and developing new materials and packaging designs that meet the ever-increasing needs of our customers. In addition, our team consists of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to ensure customer satisfaction. Most importantly, I believe the key to our success has been our ability to listen to our customers and collaborate with them to create customized solutions.

The key word for us has been consistency: as in any business, there are ups and downs, and especially in the beginning it was not always easy. Then definitely sincerity and transparency to clients as well as being present not only in moments of success but especially in the most complex situations. We always respond quickly to our customers’ requests: this allows us to have a direct relationship with our customers and suppliers.

How important are people to the success of the company?

People are the heart and soul of Team Beauty. We have always put people first. Our employees are not just colleagues; they are part of our extended family. We believe that the success of a company is closely linked to the well-being and commitment of the people who work there. Therefore, we have always strived to create a positive and collaborative work environment where everyone can feel valued and inspired.

In addition, the relationship with our customers is equally important. We have established long-term trusting relationships with many of our customers because of our dedication to understanding their needs and helping them achieve their packaging goals.

In addition, I would like to mention a few people who have been there from the very beginning and are critical to our success. Lorenza, in the administrative department, has been with us from day one, and her dedication and expertise have made it possible for our financial and administrative activities to run smoothly. She is a key point of reference for the company. 

Giovanni, in production, is another member of our team who has played a crucial role in ensuring that our products always meet the highest standards of quality and precision. Not only that, he is a key point in bringing newcomers into the production area.

These are just two examples of the extraordinary people who have been part of Team Beauty for a long time, but each member of our team has contributed significantly to our success.

Speaking of challenges, what have been the biggest challenges Team Beauty has faced over the past 15 years? And what, on the other hand, have been the greatest achievements?

The biggest difficulty has been organizing the company: in these 15 years we have experienced – and are experiencing – a real entrepreneurial boom. So it was necessary to reorganize space and staff; to do this I had the support of my entire team. 

Laura, our sales manager, played a central role in Team Beauty’s growth process; thanks to a new vision and her leadership, we were able to reorganize the company to meet the challenges and opportunities that arose with our growth. Sonia, our administrative assistant and key element in the order development process and ensuring that delivery timelines are met. Matteo, warehouse manager, who through careful planning of all logistics processes ensures their efficiency. And of the Quality team that, between newcomers and seniors, constantly works to ensure that all procedures, process and product standards are met.

Among our finest achievements, I can definitely mention the recognition as a leading company in the cosmetic packaging industry, but above all the expansion to international markets.

Team Beauty’s pay-off is “Let’s create beauty together.” What do the words “beauty” and “together” mean to you?

For us, “beauty” is not just aesthetics, but represents a more complex concept that also includes functionality, material innovation, design and environmental care. And “together” represents our commitment to work collaboratively with customers, employees, and partners to create solutions that exceed expectations and achieve extraordinary levels of beauty and quality.

Finally, what are Team Beauty’s next goals?

Looking ahead, we want to continue to grow and expand globally. We are committed to constant innovation in our industry, contributing to environmental sustainability and offering ever more advanced packaging solutions. This will be made possible through new production space and new machinery to have higher quality and better timelines. 

We also want to further strengthen our partnerships with customers and continue to create beauty together with them. We are excited about what the future holds for Team Beauty and look forward to sharing our success with everyone who has made this incredible 15-year journey possible.